So, with that said, I know what you’re thinking – what do they care about? Unless you already have a relationship with the person you’re pitching, you’re no more than an email to them. …No one cares about who you are or what you do. I’m not one to beat around the bush so I’m going to be brutally honest with you here… But you know what?ĩ9 times out of 100, you’ll be the only one that thinks so. You might think you hold the key to the hottest story to hit the press since Felix Baumgartner skydived from space or since some celebrity gained three pounds (disclaimer: that’s a joke).
To help you write the perfect pitch – with or without being recipient to one – here’s a little about what I’ve learned from being on the receiving end of 3,751 good, great, bad, and really bad PR pitches. It’s not easy to know what works unless you’ve sat on both sides of the fence, because it’s often only when you receive those pitches that are either truly great or truly terrible that you realize what it is that people are likely to respond to. If anything, I feel a little sorry for them. I don’t have any hard feelings against the people who send me bad pitches. I’ve received a few good ones, but – for the most part – they’re pretty bad.
and Entrepreneur Magazine, I’ve been getting pitches from all types of companies asking me to cover their launch, interview them, or help them in some way.